Monday, October 1, 2012

'Blast from the past' photos

Here are some farm photos from the 1950's and 1960's:
Earl Hininger (Daddy) feeding the cows at the manger of the East barn in January 1954.
Lone Hereford cow in muddy barn lot March 1957.

Hereford cows in a muddy barn lot March 1957 next to the West barn (that burned in October 1966).  I still have vivid memories of the Sunday night the barn burned down and not having to go to school on Monday since we had been up almost all night during the fire.  I remember falling asleep on a straw bale in that barn while Mom and Dad were doing chores that evening.; I swear I had nothing to do with it!

Virginia Hininger (Mom) with cows inside barn in 1950's.

Earl Hininger (Daddy) with our Hereford bull in 1960.

Daddy in a rare moment of rest on a Sunday afternoon in 1963.  Barely visible sitting  next to him on the couch is 'Kitten Wicker' the cat.  I was 3 years old when this photo was taken. 

Danny Hininger, my brother, playing with pets probably in late 1950's.  The black dog is Spooky, our Cocker Spaniel.

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